Dear Friends,
The last five years have been a very exciting time for St. Anne’s. The church is now open on a daily basis and we have a rapidly growing “Junior Church”. In addition the church has been developed as an important local venue for concerts and community events and the building is there as a meeting place or resource for all. The first part of our ambitious development programme, ramped access to the church, is now complete. This will enable many more people to have easy access to the church.
We are now beginning Phase Two of our development which is a toilet/kitchen extension which will cost in the region of £350,000. This will provide good facilities for all who use the church. The Church Council has applied for Heritage Lottery Funding to help with this project and we already have over £100,000 towards the total needed from donations, legacies and existing funds.
The church community of St. Anne’s are very grateful to the many generous donors who have enabled us to complete the Ramped Access. We are now beginning a fund-raising campaign to enable Phase Two to be completed. There will be a series of events in the coming months and, if you are in a position to support our efforts, details of how to donate are provided below.
Thank you for your interest in St. Anne’s. We hope to see you at some of our future events.
With all good wishes from the whole church community of St. Anne’s.
Canon Richard Moatt
Rector of Lewes

External view of proposed extension

Plan of proposed facilities extension
in south-west corner of church
Facing costs of around £350,000 to install the new toilet and kitchen extension, the church needs your help. Its members are working hard, staging fundraising efforts, and we have already received over £20,000 in legacies and donations. We have also appealed for funding from The Heritage Lottery Fund.
A series of further fund-raising events will be staged during this year and your support would be greatly appreciated.
You can make a donation today by sending a cheque made payable to:
St. Anne’s PCC
c/o Extension Appeal
57 St. Anne’s Crescent
East Sussex
or by online banking (quoting ref: extension) to:
Sort code 20-49-76 Barclays, Lewes
St. Anne’s Community Account 00774057.
If you are a UK taxpayer, you may Gift Aid your donation to increase its value. Please include the following declaration in with your donation and return it to the address above:
Full Address:
I am a UK taxpayer intending tax to be reclaimed on the enclosed donation under the Gift Aid scheme