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The Friends of St Anne’s

The Friends of St Anne’s help to ensure that the fabric of the church and the churchyard are kept in good repair. Money raised by the Friends will only be spent on these projects and not used for the day to day running of the church. For further details, and for information about becoming a Friend of St Anne’s, please contact Diana Rogers on 01273 474964.


Bible Study Group

A group is going to be reformed in the near future.


St Anne’s Book Group

For further details of this please contact Gill Ford-MacKenzie on 01273 479206.



After two years dormant, the choir burst into song  performing “This joyful Eastertide” on Easter Sunday, and at the time of writing (May 2022) it numbers about a dozen singers. At the moment we rehearse from 9.15-9.45 a.m. most Sundays, before the 10 a.m. service: this means we are prepared for any choral item that day, and are able to have coffee and chat after the service. Each service has four hymns and the D G Murray Mass settings, all of which are greatly enhanced by the choir’s contribution.  I am aiming to have the choir perform a special item (which might be an anthem or a sung Psalm) at least once a month, and we will also be taking part in monthly Evensong around the end of each month. I am also hoping in the June Evensong, to be able to perform a beautiful Ukrainian hymn “Stragalna Mati” (Sorrowful Mother), sung in the original language.


As with most choirs nowadays, we are particularly looking to recruit tenors and basses; reading music notation is desirable but not essential. Women with lower voices may also wish to sing tenor, this is not uncommon nowadays! If you are interested in joining the Choir, please contact David Powell, at

Sunday Service Children's Programme
We offer children’s activities at all 10am services.

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