Sunday 7th April 2024 - All are Welcome
NO 8AM SERVICE TODAY 10am – We welcome Father Paul Yates who will be preaching and celebrating
191 Hail the day that sees him rise
296 Let all the world
495 The strife is o’er
355 Now the green blade riseth
100 Come ye faithful
We Pray for the Sick: Tony, Robin and family, Doreen, Jean, Ivy, Danny, Lianne, Oscar, Imogen, Beryl H, Tracy, Colleen, Pat (Peters), Linda.
We Remember: Sylvia Leppard, Sidney Gower, John Habgood (Priest), John Richardson
CARING AND SHARING Next Sunday (14th): The collecting tin will be on the font for any donations.
CHERRY BADEN-POWELL: Cherry's Funeral will be at St Anne's on Monday 22 April at 12pm.
APCM: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting will be on Sunday 28th April after the 10am service.
MORNING PRAYER at St Anne's, Monday to Friday 9:15-9:45am: Morning Prayer is a wonderful way to start the day, taking time to worship and glorify God, with readings from scripture and texts, as well as prayers. You can join us in the choir stalls and take part in the readings (much of it we read together and you will not be expected to read out loud on your own unless you feel comfortable doing so), or if you prefer, you can sit in the pews and just observe. You will be most welcome whether you attend regularly or just occasionally.
SILENT PRAYER at St Anne's, Tuesdays 7pm: We meet weekly for Contemplative Prayer, where a short passage is read, before there is a time to pray to God in silence. This can be a deeply moving and spiritual way to come before the Lord in the quietness and stillness of the evening.
ST ANNE'S WEBSITE: - This is a reminder that our website offers resources for our growth in discipleship. On the website you can now find recent sermons collated in one place under the tag sermons. Also, we have a regular slot called Spiritual Reflections which aims to look at questions of faith in a fresh, imaginative way. Contact Ashley or Ben if you can't find the content.
ONLINE AND CARD TRANSACTIONS: Donations can also be made through our website (the DONATE button is in the top right-hand corner of every page).
Please feel free to phone me or drop me an email. I'll be delighted to hear from you. My contact details are:
Rev'd Ben Brown, 01273 933357, email:
The Church website has a diary, showing all the dates of things happening within the church. Click on "What's On" and select "Diary".
We are on Facebook and Twitter, as well as the website. So, if you wish to be kept up to date with the latest announcements or information, between services, then follow:
If you would like anything added to the Notices, please speak to Ashley. - 01273 409410
(For items to be on next Sunday's sheet, please supply to me by Thursday)