And the Word became flesh and lived among us John 1:14

Christmas is a time of great hope and great mystery. It tells the story of God being born among us, in a frail and dangerous world, and sharing with us the riches of divine love. This is the shape of our services at St Anne’s church over the Christmas period. Do come and join us at one or more of these services.
Christmas at St Anne’s Church 2022
Monday the 19th of December
A Service of Carols and Readings 7:30pm
Christmas Eve
Nativity (or Crib Service) for children 4:30pm
Midnight Mass 11:00pm
Christmas Day
Holy Communion for Christmas Day 8am
Holy Communion for Christmas Day 10am
St. Anne’s Church, Lewes, BN7 1RJ
For more information, please contact The Reverend Ben Brown:
01273 933357